Friday 25 August 2017

#5-Throw away the Lust

Pastime five

One Russian lady used to make tulasi garlands for Nrsimhadev every day. Being pleased with her, Nrsimhadev’s pujari gave her one of Lord Nrsimhadev’s false finger nails as prasad. She took it and kept it with her. That night she had a dream in wich she saw that Lord Nrsimhadev had come to her and was sitting one her bed. The Lord then put His fingers with His long nails inside her heart and pulled out something black and said “You see this? This is not love, it is lust. And there is still more here. What shall I do with it?” She could not reply, and her dream broke. The next day she went before Lord Nrsimhadev and asked Him to throw it far away.

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