Sunday 29 October 2017

Srila Prabhupada on Japa


PRABHUPADA: You are all chanting sixteen rounds? No? (laughs)

Śarādīyā: I did at first but then I slipped back.

PRABHUPADA: Is it very difficult?

Mālatī: No, we do not know how yet to regulate our time too well. Some days we chant sixteen rounds and then the next day, I don't know what happens. I think we sleep too much, I mean I think I sleep too much.

PRABHUPADA: How many hours you are sleeping?

Mālatī: About six to eight.

PRABHUPADA: That is not much.
Sixteen... It takes only two hours, sixteen rounds. Huh?
Two hours, or more than that?

Mālatī: Two hours is all it takes to do the rounds.

PRABHUPADA: So you have to spend two hours for Kṛṣṇa out of twenty-four. Yes?

Devotee (1): Is there something wrong with sleeping eight hours?

PRABHUPADA: No, you can sleep till you are refreshed. Somebody's refreshed by sleeping four hours. Somebody is refreshed by sleeping ten hours.

Mālatī: But we should not sleep when we have, in place of our devotional service.

PRABHUPADA: No, of course not. Devotional service is first.

Mālatī: So if we miss some sleep we should do it.

PRABHUPADA: We should forego sleeping even. The real regulated life is that if sixteen rounds is not completed, then we have to forego sleeping. You should take out hours from sleeping. The main thing is that we should always be careful that my time may not be wasted, the time we engage for our bodily necessities, that is wasted. Only the period which we have engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that is utilized. So we should be very much careful whether time is being wasted or being utilized.

Morning walk

-San Francisco –

 March 23rd 1968

Srila Prabhupada on Japa


PRABHUPADA: You are all chanting sixteen rounds? No? (laughs)

Śarādīyā: I did at first but then I slipped back.

PRABHUPADA: Is it very difficult?

Mālatī: No, we do not know how yet to regulate our time too well. Some days we chant sixteen rounds and then the next day, I don't know what happens. I think we sleep too much, I mean I think I sleep too much.

PRABHUPADA: How many hours you are sleeping?

Mālatī: About six to eight.

PRABHUPADA: That is not much.
Sixteen... It takes only two hours, sixteen rounds. Huh?
Two hours, or more than that?

Mālatī: Two hours is all it takes to do the rounds.

PRABHUPADA: So you have to spend two hours for Kṛṣṇa out of twenty-four. Yes?

Devotee (1): Is there something wrong with sleeping eight hours?

PRABHUPADA: No, you can sleep till you are refreshed. Somebody's refreshed by sleeping four hours. Somebody is refreshed by sleeping ten hours.

Mālatī: But we should not sleep when we have, in place of our devotional service.

PRABHUPADA: No, of course not. Devotional service is first.

Mālatī: So if we miss some sleep we should do it.

PRABHUPADA: We should forego sleeping even. The real regulated life is that if sixteen rounds is not completed, then we have to forego sleeping. You should take out hours from sleeping. The main thing is that we should always be careful that my time may not be wasted, the time we engage for our bodily necessities, that is wasted. Only the period which we have engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that is utilized. So we should be very much careful whether time is being wasted or being utilized.

Morning walk

-San Francisco –

 March 23rd 1968

Thursday 26 October 2017

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Tuesday 24 October 2017

The Unlimited Glories of Srila Prabhupada

The Unlimited Glories of Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada is the Founder Acharya for Hare Krishna Movement. He is the ONLY reason anyone knows the words “Hare Krishna” in main stream culture. He produced more literature (books, conversations, letters, records, and lectures) than any other Vaisnava that lived during his time or lived after His Vapu association.

He opened more then one hundred temples all over the world. He wrote over 7,000 personal letters to his disciples, published in five volumes of books. He went around the world 12 times. He created a monthly magazine, “Back to Godhead,” which at one point was distributed in excess of one million copies per month. He gave lectures on Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita As It Is, compiled into 18 volumes of books. He authored over 140 books, all in the matter of 11 years time. His devotees appeared in over 75 major Hollywood feature films chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra. He began at the age of 69. He slept less than 4 yours a day. He was the only one ever recorded fainting while distributing His “Back To Godhead Magazine” before He came to America. His writing is absolutely perfect in every way and does not need any adjustments whatsoever.

Srila Prabhupada never settled nor did His disciples. He constantly worked day and night in spreading Krishna consciousness and often moved His disciples around the world, managing everything perfectly, despite having disciples who wanted to succeed Him and who made many mistakes along the way. Srila Prabhupada never spoke anything different then what Lord Krishna spoke. He personally brought Krishna consciousness to the WORLD in its most pristine, accurate, and perfect form!

Take out Srila Prabhupada and “Hare Krishnas” would cease to exist. Srila Prabhupada did the unthinkable, the unfathomable. He is the Acharya and the Master At Whose Feet All Other Masters Sit. He is the pure devotee. He is the prime example of the most realized soul ever to walk the face of this earth. His vani (instructions) continue to spread around the world and His presence can be felt by anyone who cares to read His books, to listen to His lectures, and to watch His films. Srila Prabhupada is now living with all vibrancy and all vigor in His instructions. Srila Prabhupada’s accomplishments are so far beyond any description or glorification that this article or any other article does no justice. Srila Prabhupada lives forever! Hare Krishna!!!

Srila Prabhupada vani -#245

#245-Srila Prabhupada explains-God is equal to everyone-in his lecture -SB 1-16-36 TOK 1974-01-30 Kali-yuga--Disagree with Guru(0).mp3

Srila Prabhupada Vani-#244

#244-Srila Prabhupada explains-Function of Godess kali-in his lecture-SB 1-16-36 TOK 1974-01-30 Kali-yuga--Disagree with Guru

Please click below link for audio

Saturday 21 October 2017

Dhokla is a vegetarian food item that originates from the Indian state of Gujarat. It is a tasty, healthy, vegan, steamed snack from Gujarat made with chickpea flour (besan) and tempering of Indian spices. Dhokla can be eaten for breakfast, as a main course, as a side dish, or as a snack. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to categorise it as one of the healthiest and tasty snacks of India. Also known as khaman dhokla, it is a very popular street food throughout the country. Dhokla owes its popularity to an addictive flavour, visual appeal and health quotient.

Besan flour- 1 & 1/2 cup
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp.
Sugar - 1/2 tsp.
Juice of 1 lemon
Ginger & green chili paste - 1 tsp.
Oil - 1 tsp.
Eno Fruit salt - 2 tsp.
Few chopped Coriander leaves
Fresh grated Coconut

For Sugar water:
Water - 1/3 cup
Sugar - 2 Tbsp.

Oil - 1 tsp.
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp.
Green chilies - 3 to 4 no.'s (slit)

1. Preheat the steamer with enough water.
2. Mix besan flour, salt, turmeric powder, sugar, juice of lemon, ginger-green chili paste and oil in a huge mixing bowl.
3. Now add water and mix well to a batter consistency.
4. Finally add eno fruit salt and beat till its evenly frothy.
5. Grease the bowl and pour the batter evenly.
6. Steam cook for about 7 to 10 minutes.
7. Dissolve sugar in some water and pour spoons of it over the Dhoklas to keep them moist.
8. Temper mustard seeds and slit green chilis in oil. Add this tempering agent on top of the Dhoklas.
9. Finally, garnish with some coriander leaves and grated coconut.
10. Your Dhoklas are ready to be served!

Best with:
These Dhoklas taste the best with some mint or coriander chutney or even raw papaya chutney. It is also known to go along well with garlic paste or tomato Sauce!

Srila Prabhupada vani -#243

#243-Srila Prabhupada explains-Kings should be Rajrishi's-in his lecture-SB 1-16-36 TOK 1974-01-30 Kali-yuga--Disagree with Guru

Beaded collar necklace with pearls

Beautiful beaded collar necklace with pearls. Please click the link given below.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Monday 16 October 2017

Srila Prabhupada vani -#239

#239-Srila Prabhupada explains-Brahmabhuta means no lamentation and hankering-in his lecture-SB 1-02-06 MAU 1975-10-05 Our Superior Engagement

Sunday 15 October 2017

Kitchen cleanliness

"One should never eat within the kitchen, there is ample place to eat so why should one eat in the kitchen? Kitchen should be considered as good as the Lord's room, and nobody should wear shoes in the kitchen, smelling and tasting of foods being prepared for the Lord should never be done, talking within the kitchen should be only what is necessary for preparing the prasadam, or about the Lord, and dirty dishes (those taken from kitchen and eaten from) should not be brought back into the kitchen (but if there is no other place to wash them, then they should be put into sink and washed immediately.), hands should always be washed when preparing prasadam, and in this way, everything shall be prepared very cleanly and pure.)"

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Aniruddha, 06-16-68

Srila Prabhupada vani-#238

#238-Srika Prabhupada explains-mukti means to be in our constitutional position-in his lecture-SB 1-02-06 MAU 1975-10-05 Our Superior Engagement.      

Saturday 14 October 2017

Srila Prabhupada vani-#237

#237- Srila Prabhupada explains-we belong to superior energy-in his lecture-SB 1-02-06 MAU 1975-10-05 Our Superior Engagement.          

Friday 13 October 2017

Srila Prabhupada passtimes-3

October 1972, ISKCON, Rādhā-Dāmodara Temple
Vrindaban, India
(An excerpt from a letter)
It was about 5:30 in the morning and Śrīla Prabhupāda called me into his sitting room wanting to know why Syamasundara and Pradyumna were still sleeping.
"I don't know," I replied.
Śrīla Prabhupāda told me to bring them to his room. When we returned, he told us we must conquer over sleep.
"Rising early and taking a cold shower is not austerity, but just common sense and good hygiene," Śrīla Prabhupāda said. Then, revealing a wonderful truth, His Divine Grace told us, "By chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles, rising early, reducing one's eating and sleeping, one gets spiritual energy. If one follows these guidelines for 12 years, all he speaks will be perfect!"
All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Srila Prabhupada vani #236

#236-Srila Prabhupada explains-God is known as Adhokshaja-In his lecture-SB 1-02-06 MAU 1975-10-05 Our Superior Engagement

Thursday 12 October 2017

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Sunday 8 October 2017

Srila Prabhupada vani -#231

#231-Srila prabhupada explains- questions about krishna is beneficial for all-in his lecture-SB 1-02-05 NV 1972-09-04 This Bhagavatam Culture is --etc.mp3

Thursday 5 October 2017

Big billion sale of kartik

           🎉 KARTIK 🎉     

Starts from 5th October to 4th November.

Highlights of this Extraordinary Big Billion Sale:

✨Any small service to the Lord in Kartik will give multiplied benefits 😊

✨ The result one obtains by giving ten thousand cows in charity can be obtained by offering only one tulasi leaf to the Supreme Lord during the month of Kartika.😳☺

✨ If somebody performs even a little worship of Lord Shri Hari in this month, He offers that devotee His own abode.😳☺

✨ If somebody burns a lamp in the temple of Lord Shri Hari even for a short time (in the month of Kartik), then whatever sins, he has acquired for millions of kalpas (one kalpa equals 1000 yugas) are all destroyed.😳☺

✨A person who happily reads the Bhagavad Gita in the month of Kartik does not return to the world of birth and death.🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

✨Of all gifts, the gift of a lamp during the month of Kartik is the best. No gift is its equal.🎁🎁

✨The pious result obtained by bathing in all holy places and giving all charities is not equal to one ten-millionth part of the result obtained by following the vow of Kartik.


Grab This opportunity!! Sale for One Full Month !!!!

Dont take a chance...Go for it!!!


Srila Prabhupada vani #228

#228-Srila Prabhupada explains- SB is the real dharma-in his lecture-
SB 1-02-05 NV 1972-09-04 This Bhagavatam Culture is --etc.mp3.                  

Srila Prabhupada passtimes-2

By Srinathji Prabhu...
Memories series of Shri Siddhanta Prabhu about Shrila Prabhupada's last trip from Bombay to Vrindavana in October 1977:

"The twenty-eighth of September 1977 was a very sad day. At about 4:30 in the morning, I got a phone call from Giriraj Swami. Crying, he said, "I want you to bring your big Dodge car." I had a huge American car with a back seat long enough to lie down in. Giriraj Swami said, "Prabhupada wants to leave his body." I said, "What?" I had never heard anybody say that someone "wanted to leave his body." It sounded as if he wanted to commit suicide. I said, "What do you mean, 'Prabhupada wants to leave his body?' Where does he want to leave his body?" He said, "He wants to go to Vrindavan, and he's leaving his body. He's going away, and we have to take him to the train station."
"By that time Prabhupada hadn't eaten for nearly six months. He was living only on juice and charanamrita, and his body was depleted. He had hardly any muscles, and his veins were pressing on his bones. It was very painful to see him. Here was the person with whom I had fought and argued. Here was the person who was such a fine debater that he was like a lion. He could defeat anyone philosophically. But that morning, when I saw how very thin Prabhupada was, it reminded me of Krishna's description in the Bhagavad-gita of a person withdrawing himself like a tortoise withdraws himself within his shell.
"So in Bombay, on the twenty-eighth of September 1977, Srila Prabhupada decided to leave, and for the first time I cleaned my car. I didn't want Prabhupada to sleep in an unclean car. My wife arranged nice silk bedding, flowers, and incense in it, and I drove to the temple. There, Prabhupada was brought down from his quarters in a big basket. It reminded me of stories of Moses and Karna who were both put in baskets. Devotees were crying. They were devastated. They were intensely feeling imminent separation from Prabhupada. I was supposed to drive, and I felt like Akrura, the cruel person who took Krishna from the gopis. I was taking Prabhupada away from the devotees. But that was my duty. I had to do that.
"I drove, and next to me was big Brahmananda Swami, and next to him was Tamal Krishna Goswami, who was Prabhupada's last secretary, and finally there was Giriraj Maharaj. It was such a huge car that four people could sit in the front. Prabhupada was lying on the back seat, and Upendra, his servant, was sitting on the floor of the car next to Prabhupada. Prabhupada's luggage was behind.
"Like a schoolteacher, Tamal Krishna Maharaj told me, "Don't drive fast. Drive very slowly." The Bombay roads have potholes, and Prabhupada would be uncomfortable if I drove fast. I said, "Fine." We were going to Bombay Central Station, and I asked, "Which train are we going to catch?" Someone said, "Prabhupada's taking the Mathura Express to Vrindavan. It leaves at 11:00 a.m." I started to drive very slowly. From the back Upendra told me, "Prabhupada wants you to drive faster." So I said, "Okay, if Prabhupada wants me to drive faster, I will drive faster," and I picked up speed.
"My huge car could really move, but the moment I pressed the accelerator, Tamal Krishna Maharaj got very upset. He said, "I told you to go slowly. What are you doing?" I said, "Upendra just told me that Prabhupada wants me to drive fast." Tamal Krishna Maharaj said, "No, no, no. Go slowly." So I slowed down. Within a minute, Upendra again said, "Prabhupada says go faster. Why aren't you going faster?" I thought, "The person I have to serve is Prabhupada, so I will drive faster." I said to Tamal Krishna Maharaj, "You sort this out with Upendra and allow me to drive."
"We thought we had reached the Bombay Central Station too early. Rama Tulasi, another devotee there, and I went to the station-master to get a wheelchair for Prabhupada to transport him from my car to his special cabin on the train. In my usual style, I asked the station-master, "Is the Mathura Express going at 11:00 a.m.?" He said, "Didn't you read today's newspaper? It leaves at 10:30 a.m." The timing had changed that very day. I looked at my watch and said, "There are five minutes left. The train is leaving in five minutes." Rama Tulasi and I ran with the wheelchair. I told that stationmaster, "I will pay you anything, but stop that train. Don't start it until I tell you." He said, "What? I've never heard such a request." I said, "There is a big team coming. A very holy person is going to leave his body in Vrindavan, and he has to be on that train." The stationmaster said, "Leave his body? What do you mean?" I said, "Just run with me." So we ran. This happened twenty years ago when I was thirty-seven.
"I told Giriraj Maharaj, "The train is going a half-hour early today." He said, "No, according to the timetable it leaves at 11:00 a.m." I said, "Whatever it says there doesn't matter. The stationmaster is going to blow his whistle, and the train is going to go." We ran. Some of the devotees got Prabhupada's special cabin ready. It should have been an air-conditioned one, but for some reason the devotees had booked a non-air-conditioned cabin. We took Prabhupada into his compartment just a few minutes before the train was about to leave.
"From 4:30 until 10:30 that morning I had not had any water or food, and I was very thirsty. I bought a soda from a stand at the station, when Upendra came and said, "Prabhupada wants to see you." I left the soda and went in the cabin, wondering, "Why is Prabhupada calling me?" Prabhupada said, "Come closer." I went very close to him, and he said, "Thank you for driving me." I was very touched. Prabhupada was just about to give up his body, and except for this small service I had done nothing much.
"So in the train, in front of everyone, I offered my obeisances and caught Prabhupada's lotus feet. Tamal Krishna Maharaj and others said to me, "Don't touch his feet." I said, "No. This is it. This is the last moment I'll ever get." I said, "Prabhupada, I surrender to you. You are my spiritual master." He put his hand in my hair and blessed me. He put pressure on his elbow and got up a little. He was smiling sweetly.
"The train started, and some of the devotees said, "Look, the train started, and you better jump off, otherwise the next station is quite far away." Reluctantly, I jumped off the moving train, and I watched it go until the last car had left. I wasn't thirsty anymore. I didn't care for the soda. With tears in my eyes I got into my car, and lo and behold, there was Prabhupada's garland on the steering wheel. He'd not forgotten me.
"That was the last time I saw Prabhupada. From 1971 through 1977, my memories are of fighting with him, debating with him, arguing with him. Finally, at the end I surrendered. Hare Krishna."

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Srila Prabhupada vani#227

#227-Srila Prabhupada explains- India is loosing the vedic culture-SB 1-02-05 NV 1972-09-04 This Bhagavatam Culture is --etc.mp3.                  

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Don't expect first class men everytime

"Suppose you are in this Krishna conscious society. Now, you cannot expect that all the members of the society will be first-class men. How can we expect? We are collecting members of the society from all classes of men. So there may be a man in goodness, a man in the passion and a man in the ignorance. But if you think, 'Oh, this man is not good. That man is not good,' oh... No. You should be tolerant. You haven't got any connection with this man or that man. You are connected with the philosophy, with the process of life, and you are connected... Just like the same example: suppose you are on the ship. You do not find just all men to your choice. There may be different kinds of men. But what is that to you? You have to cross the Atlantic Ocean, patiently cross. Just sit down tightly on the ship and take advantage of the opportunity. That is your business."

 *(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, New York, January 3, 1967)*

Daily quote 03/10/2017

Srila Prabhupada Vani-#226

#226-Srila Prabhupada explains- "Background of Srimad Bhagavatam"-

In his lecture -SB 1-02-05 NV 1972-09-04 This Bhagavatam Culture is --etc.mp3

कार्तिक मास में 7 नियम निभाएं

*कार्तिक मास में 7 नियम निभाएं, सुख-समृद्धि पाएं...*

*1) पहला नियम :-*

*दीपदान , कृष्ण कथा एवम हरे कृष्ण महामन्त्र का जप- धर्म शास्त्रों के अनुसार, कार्तिक मास में सबसे प्रमुख काम दीपदान करना बताया गया है। इस महीने भगवान श्री कृष्ण को  दीपदान किया जाता है, खास कर बाल रूप को। इससे हजारो गुना पुण्य की प्राप्ति होती है।*
भगवान की दामोदर लीला का पठन, चर्चा एवम गायन किया जाना चाहिए। इसी मास में दीवाली के दिन भगवान को यशोदा मैया ने ऊखल से बंधा था और भगवान ने दामोदर लीला  किया था

सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है , इस मास में अधिक से अधिक भगवान के नाम ( हरे कृष्ण महामन्त्र)का जप करे।
 "हरे कृष्णा हरे कृष्णा 
कृष्णा कृष्णा हरे हरे 
हरे रामा हरे रामा 
रामा रामा हरे हरे "

*2) दूसरा नियम :*

*तुलसी पूजा - इस महीने में तुलसी पूजन करने तथा सेवन करने का विशेष महत्व बताया गया है। वैसे तो हर मास में तुलसी का सेवन व आराधना करना श्रेयस्कर होता है, लेकिन कार्तिक में तुलसी पूजा का महत्व कई गुना माना गया है।*

*3) तीसरा नियम :*

*भूमि पर शयन -  भूमि पर सोना कार्तिक मास का तीसरा प्रमुख काम माना गया है। भूमि पर सोने से मन में  सात्विकता का भाव आता है तथा अन्य विकार भी समाप्त हो जाते हैं।*

*4) चौथा नियम :*

*तेल लगाना वर्जित -  कार्तिक महीने में केवल एक बार नरक चतुर्दशी (कार्तिक कृष्ण चतुर्दशी) के दिन ही शरीर पर  तेल लगाना चाहिए। कार्तिक मास में अन्य दिनों में तेल लगाना वर्जित है।*

*5) पांचवां नियम :*

*दलहन (दालों) खाना निषेध - कार्तिक महीने में द्विदलन अर्थात उड़द, मूंग, मसूर, चना, मटर, राई आदि नहीं खाना  चाहिए।*

*6) छठा नियम :*

*ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन - कार्तिक मास में ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन अति आवश्यक बताया गया है। इसका पालन नहीं करने  पर पति-पत्नी को दोष लगता है और इसके अशुभ फल भी प्राप्त होते हैं।*

*7) सातवां नियम :*

*संयम रखें - कार्तिक मास का व्रत करने वालों को चाहिए कि वह तपस्वियों के समान व्यवहार करें अर्थात कम बोले, किसी की निंदा या विवाद न करें, मन पर संयम रखें आदि।*
