Friday 1 December 2017




Once Lord Nityananda came from Gaudadesh to Jagannatha Puri to take darshan of Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. After taking darshan of Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu went to take darshan of Lord Jagannatha. As soon as Lord Nityananda saw Jagannatha, He became overwhelmed with ecstasy and began to roll on the ground. Repeatedly He forcefully fell on the floor. Even a hundred people could not control Him. Seeing Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama, Subhadra and Sudarsana-cakra, Nityananda Prabhu began to weep. Knowing the glories of Nityananda Prabhu, the brahmana priest offered the flower garlands from Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra to Nityananda. When the servants of Lord Jagannatha saw Nityananda, they became extremely joyful. Those who did not know Lord Nityananda, asked others who He was? Everyone replied that He was the brother of Krishna Caitanya. Lord Nityananda's swarupaalso embraced everyone, drenching them with His tears.

Thus after taking darshan of Lord Jagannatha with great bliss, Lord Nityananda came to see Gadadhara Pandita at Sri Tota Gopinatha Temple. Gadadhara and Nityananda would love each other very much. There, by seeing the exquisite, three-fold bending form of Sri Tota Gopinatha, He cried incessant tears of joy.

Hearing of Nitai’s arrival, Gadadhara Pandita immediately stopped reciting the Srimad-Bhagavatam and hurried to welcome the Lord. Nitai and Gadai embraced firmly, bathed in each other’s tears, offered obeisances and profusely praised each other. Oblivious to Their own bodies and external environment, they floated in the ocean of spiritual happiness. No none had ever seen such expressions of love and affection.

Nitai had brought with Him thirty kilograms of the best quality rice from Bengal for offering to Sri Tota Gopinatha. He also brought brightly colored fine cloth for a Deity outfit. Presenting these items to Gadai, Nitai said, “Here is some fine cloth and first class rice for Gopinatha’s seva.”

Gadai replied gratefully, “Nitai, I have never seen such superb rice. My Lord, did You carefully bring this rice all the way from Vaikuntha for Gopinatha? Sri Laksmi Devi Herself should cook this rice, which will be offered to Gopinatha and then to His devotees.”

Gadai then wrapped the beautiful cloth attractively around Gopinatha Jiu. Then Gadadhara Pandita started to cook. He picked up some wild spinach from the garden and prepared some item from that. He also picked up some soft tamarind leaves. There was no salt at the temple at this time. Sri Gadadhara Pandita brought the salty sea water and mixed it and cooked a preparation. After finishing the cooking Gadadhara Pandita offered the rice and other delectable dishes for Lord Tota Gopinatha’s bhogaoffering.

Suddenly, at that time Lord Gaura Chandra arrived there. While chanting Hare Krishna maha-mantra Lord entered inside calling, "Gadadhara! Gadadhara!" Immediately Gadadhara came to worship the lotus feet of the Lord Gauranga with great respect.

Mahaprabhu was smiling and said, "Gadadhara! How come I have not been invited? I am not different from both of You. Even if You do not invite me still, I have come here to take Prasad by asking it from you. Nityananda has brought this rice, You have cooked and offered to Lord Gopinatha. I must have share from this Prasad.”

By hearing this merciful words from the Lord Caitanya, Gadadhara and Nityananda were floating in the ocean of bliss. With great happiness Gadadhara brought the remnants of Gopinatha’s Maha-Prasadam to Gaura-sundara. Whole garden filled with sweet aroma of the rice Prasad. Gaura Chandra offered prayers to Maha-Prasadam and glorified the rice again and again.

Mahaprabhu said, "Divide this Maha-Prasadam in to three portion and we all three will eat together." Lord sat in the middle and both Nityananda and Gadadhara sat on both side of the Lord to honour the Maha-Prasadam. Lord was glorifying the rice and sabji. Mahaprabhu said, "This rice gives Krishna-Bhakti simply by its sweet smell. Or whoever will smell the scent of this rice will get Krishna Bhakti. There is no doubt about it. Gadadhara! What kind of attractive cooking have you done? I have never eaten such nice spinach. Gadadhara! What a wonderful  cooking do you know? You have cooked so nice preparation from mere tamarind  leaves. Now I understand You must be cooking in Vaikuntha. Why are you hiding Your identity?"

In this way all three of Them enjoyed Maha-Prasadam with great fun and ecstasy while joking with each other. After they finished Their Prasad other devotees took their remnants.

Whoever will hear or read this pastime of taking Prasad with devotion and blissful mode will attend Krishna-Bhakti and the lotus feet of Sri Gopinatha, of this, there is no doubt.

[Sri Caitanya Bhagavata Antya 6]

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