Saturday 23 December 2017

*Pursuit of Happiness* By HG GaurGopal Pr

Happiness is not so much about getting what you like but Happiness is about liking what you get.

level 1: lowest person only sees bad in others.(e.g.. duryodhana)

level 2: person who sees both good and bad  but conveniently neglect the good and simply focus on bad

level 3: person who sees good and bad but they see good and bad equally.

level 4: person who sees good and bad but they choose to neglect the bad and they will only focus on good.

level 5: person who only focus on good.(e.g.. Lord, saintly person, etc..)

Most of us we are in level 2, who just see both good and bad but we conveniently neglect good and only focus on bad.

we have to move to level four to neglect the bad and focus on good.
Only when we focus on good in others then we can able to start liking them

In order to have the congenial meaningful relationship we have to like people. in order to like people we have to come on level 4: neglect the bad, focus on the good.

 In our relationships we have to Learn how to trust others. people do wrong but they don't necessarily mean wrong things. Their intention may not do wrong or their intention may not to say wrong. But somehow they may act in certain ways.
Trusting means trust their intention.

one time a teacher said to student, if I give 2+2 mangoes how many do you have? student said 5mangoes.

Teacher again said, I give 2+2 mangoes how many do you have?
student said 5mangoes.

Teacher said I give 2+2 strawberries how many do you have?
student said 4 strawberries

And now teacher said I give 2+2 mangoes how many do you have?
student said 5mangoes.

Now you said 2+2 strawberries is 4 and you are saying 2+2 mangoes is 5. How?
student said I already have 1 extra mango in my bag.

was the teacher wrong? no
was the student wrong? no
both are right.
similarly, in relationships also both are right, not wrong  But the issue is the person the way looking over it.

According to teacher, externally she is right and student was looking something deeper that 2+2=4 & inside 1=5. therefore 5 mangoes.

Many times we have to look for hidden  mango in our relationship. so we have to trust.

If you want to deal with anyone in relationship, please do not do with external behaviour but go deeper to find what's in hidden mango.

People say and they do,  not they are bad. but because  situations, sometimes makes them rude. understand their intention.

In relationship, don't live on surface but be diver to understand

it's very hard to correct someone. If you give Frank feedback people feel hurt.

*Its not frankness that hurts, it's the bluntness that hurts.*

correcting in relationships is necessary but in order to correct you have to deposit 2 things 1. you have to make emotional deposit.
can you withdrawal a money without deposits? no.

Then how can you withdrawal by correcting someone without deposit of your emotions in their hearts?
The emotional account is the deposits of love, kindness, service, gifts. and all you deposits to your account, once in a while you should do withdrawal.

Every relationship you have, you need to ask one question, am I deposit sufficient deposits when I need to correct someone we should ask 4 questions to ourselves.

*1. Am I the right person to correct other individual?*

And who is the right person? Sometimes I say every women has only one best child in the world and that is her child and every man thinks that there is only one best women in the world and that is his wife. Can any man give a corrective  feedback to another person's wife? Can any parent give a corrective feedback to someone else's child?
 Therefore when we say are you the right person? We should ask ourselves the question Am I relative? Am I a friend? Am I an authority in any way to give a corrective feedback? If answer is yes move towards 2nd question

*2. Do you have a right motive to correct?*

Very often the motive in correcting others is settling our old accounts instead of actually serve person by helping the person what wrong he or she is doing. In giving corrective feedback we should have a very high sense of conscious, we should introspect and come to the conclusion when I say something to the person it's actually serve the person and help the person and not to settle any old accounts.

*3. Do you actually know a right way to give corrective feedback?*

*people are not close to correction but they are close to blunt correction.*
A lot of times people are okay with taking corrections but the way the correction is expressed is so crose,  so blunt and so abusive can actually create a lot of harm to the person and the person switches off for taking such feedbacks.

 Thus many times I say when we try to correct an issue, issue is only about 10% and 90% is about wrong tone of voice. If we just have a right tone of voice and if we say by right way then lot of people are okay to handle it. Our feedback, our correction, and our advices will sinks deeper.

*4. Is it the right time to give a feedback?*

We should ask ourselves this question is it the right time to give a corrective feedback? Many times I says we should not express our anger, we should explain our anger or a feelings. When you express what we feel then it's unpleasant and when we explain what we feels people can understand. 

When heads are hot and we upset when we deal with a straightway feedback because it's a wrong timing because we expressed. And when we allow our heads to cool down you won't express but you will explain to say. Therefore remember 4 things in your life. If you want to ever ever ever give a corrective feedback, ask this 4 questions to ourselves.


*Connecting:* those who have strong connection with deep spiritual practice then only you can able to follow this 4 points in your life.

Last Sutra is: *there is only one person who will never disappoint and that is Krsna.*

when we connect with Krsna and when we find the source of joy and pleasure from Krsna then we can love everyone unconditionally. because we dont depend on them what i need from me.*

we depend on Krsna for our pleasure and we serve and we love and we give.
Therefore connecting is very important thing in our relationship.


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