Wednesday 18 April 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-36

CC Ādi 1.85-86

vraje ye vihare pūrve kṛṣṇa-balarāma
koṭī-sūrya-candra jini doṅhāra nija-dhāma
sei dui jagatere ha-iyā sadaya
gauḍadeśe pūrva-śaile karilā udaya
Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, the Personalities of Godhead, who formerly appeared in Vṛndāvana and were millions of times more effulgent than the sun and moon, have arisen over the eastern horizon of Gauḍadeśa [West Bengal], being compassionate for the fallen state of the world.

CC Ādi 1.87

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya āra prabhu nityānanda
yāṅhāra prakāśe sarva jagat ānanda
The appearance of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya and Prabhu Nityānanda has surcharged the world with happiness.

CC Ādi 1.88-89

sūrya-candra hare yaiche saba andhakāra
vastu prakāśiyā kare dharmera pracāra
ei mata dui bhāi jīvera ajñāna-
tamo-nāśa kari’ kaila tattva-vastu-dāna
As the sun and moon drive away darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything, these two brothers dissipate the darkness of ignorance covering the living beings and enlighten them with knowledge of the Absolute Truth.

CC Ādi 1.90

ajñāna-tamera nāma kahiye ‘kaitava’
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa-vāñchā ādi saba
The darkness of ignorance is called kaitava, the way of cheating, which begins with religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation.

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