Sunday 22 April 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-40

CC Ādi 1.101

eka adbhuta — sama-kāle doṅhāra prakāśa
āra adbhuta — citta-guhāra tamaḥ kare nāśa
The first wonder is that both brothers appear simultaneously, and the other is that They illuminate the innermost depths of the heart.

CC Ādi 1.102

ei candra sūrya dui parama sadaya
jagatera bhāgye gauḍe karilā udaya
These two, the sun and moon, are very kind to the people of the world. Thus for the good fortune of all, They have appeared on the horizon of Bengal.
The celebrated ancient capital of the Sena dynasty, which was known as Gauḍadeśa or Gauḍa, was situated in what is now the modern district of Maldah. Later this capital was transferred to the ninth or central island on the western side of the Ganges at Navadvīpa, which is now known as Māyāpur and was then called Gauḍapura. Lord Caitanya appeared there, and Lord Nityānanda came there and joined Him from the district of Birbhum. They appeared on the horizon of Gauḍadeśa to spread the science of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and it is predicted that as the sun and moon gradually move west, the movement They began five hundred years ago will come to the Western civilizations by Their mercy.
Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Nityānanda Prabhu drive away the five kinds of ignorance of the conditioned souls. In the Mahābhārata, Udyoga-parva, forty-third chapter, these five kinds of ignorance are described. They are (1) accepting the body to be the self, (2) making material sense gratification one’s standard of enjoyment, (3) being anxious due to material identification, (4) lamenting and (5) thinking that there is anything beyond the Absolute Truth. The teachings of Lord Caitanya eradicate these five kinds of ignorance. Whatever one sees or otherwise experiences one should know to be simply an exhibition of the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s energy. Everything is a manifestation of Kṛṣṇa.

CC Ādi 1.103

sei dui prabhura kari caraṇa vandana
yāṅhā ha-ite vighna-nāśa abhīṣṭa-pūraṇa
Let us therefore worship the holy feet of these two Lords. Thus one can be rid of all difficulties on the path of self-realization.

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