Sunday 8 April 2018

Srila Prabhupada passtimes:46-on farm community

Due to his poor health, Srila Prabhupada was unable to personally answer all his mail. Consequently, he had authorised his secretary, Tamal Krsna Goswami, to do so on his behalf. Since the replies were filled with direct quotes from Prabhupada, they were almost as valuable as a personal letter from His Divine Grace.

On 10th August, Hari-sauri received a response to his recent update sent to Srila Prabhupada. The letter quickly found its way onto temple noticeboards around Australia.

Srila Prabhupada was most enlivened to hear the report of New Govardhana farm. His Divine Grace, in the last month or so, has been stressing the importance of these farm projects, and said:

"This is the next aspect of Krishna consciousness which I wish to push forward. If I am able to travel again then I shall visit the farms and make them perfect. On these farms we can demonstrate the full varnasrama system. If these farms become successful, then the whole world will be enveloped by Krishna consciousness.

"From your letter I can understand how nice this farm is. I am very happy to see fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, grains, the devotees taking sumptuous prasadam and chanting Hare Krishna. This is the actual meaning of human life. It is a very good farm, from your letter I can understand.

"Whatever you build, get the building materials locally. If you can manufacture tiles locally, then your house problem is solved. Build up a bamboo frame and on it place tiles. In any event, get everything locally. I wish to make a farm tour, and then I shall surely visit your farm."

I suggested to Srila Prabhupada that he was the farm acarya, but Srila Prabhupada said:

"Krishna is the Farm Acarya. Baladeva is holding a plough, and Krishna is holding the calf. Krishna advised Nanda Maharaja not to perform Indra-puja, but to worship the land, Govardhana, because it was supplying all foodstuffs for the residents of Vrndavana and the cows as well."

So Srila Prabhupada wants you to develop this farm very nicely, as it will be the future program to present to the world as the ideal of Krishna consciousness. In the cities, we are interested for preaching, but we cannot present the ideal varnasrama system. This is only possible at the farms, so they are very important.

Tamal Krsna also reported that Srila Prabhupada had commented on the $16,000 forfeiture of deposit on the Sydney property.

"Yes. What can be done? Pushing good money after bad money. Forfeit it; there is no other choice."

Prabhupada also urged Hari-sauri to pursue the Glebe church property, advising him to consult with the property committee, and then, if they agreed, to try to get it.

Srila Prabhupada was most happy with Hari-sauri's work in Australia.

"Very good. Thank you very much. Your whole report is very encouraging. Thank you. You are doing very well. Krishna may bless you more and more."

Prabhupada's comment, "I shall surely visit your farm," enlivened devotees all around Australia. They now looked forward to the possible opportunity of seeing Prabhupada again, this time at New Govardhana.

Biographies and Glorifications of Srila Prabhupada-‘The Great Transcendental Adventure-The Farm Acarya'--Australia, 1976–1977–Kurma das

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