Thursday 26 April 2018


1) Any person who is chanting the holy names of Krishna in course of
time feels transcendental pleasure and very quickly becomes purified
of all material contamination.”

2) Simply by properly doing our japa daily, we can be freed from the
reactions to all sinful activities.

3) We cannot become fully Krishna conscious without chanting good
quality rounds daily. Chanting is the most powerful way to become
Krishna conscious.

4) Our strength is in following the regulative principles and chanting
16 rounds japa.

5) Everyone begins his devotional life from the neophyte stage, but if
one properly finishes chanting the prescribed number of rounds of
hari-nama, he is elevated step by step to the highest platform,
uttama-adhikari. – Nectar of Instruction

6) Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual master’s order to
chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential.

7) Minimum 16 rounds have to be chanted. Constant chanting should be our goal.

8) When Japa is not done with love and attention there is often no
observable spiritual or material result. However this same Japa, done
with love and attention, will enable us to perform all other devotion
practices in pure a manner, also with love and attention. –

9) There is no such requirement that japa should be done silently and
chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is
all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should
chant very attentively, hearing the vibration very distinctly.

10) Your japa beads are your ticket back to Godhead.

Jai Srila Prabhupada

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