Saturday, 19 May 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-59

CC Ādi 2.31

śiśu vatsa hari’ brahmā kari aparādha
aparādha kṣamāite māgena prasāda
After Brahmā had offended Kṛṣṇa by stealing His playmates and calves, he begged the Lord’s pardon for his offensive act and prayed for the Lord’s mercy.

CC Ādi 2.32

tomāra nābhi-padma haite āmāra janmodaya
tumi pitā-mātā, āmi tomāra tanaya
“I took birth from the lotus that grew from Your navel. Thus You are both my father and my mother, and I am Your son.

CC Ādi 2.33

pitā mātā bālakera nā laya aparādha
aparādha kṣama, more karaha prasāda
“Parents never take seriously the offenses of their children. I therefore beg Your pardon and ask for Your benediction.”

CC Ādi 2.34

kṛṣṇa kahena — brahmā, tomāra pitā nārāyaṇa
āmi gopa, tumi kaiche āmāra nandana
Śrī Kṛṣṇa said, “O Brahmā, your father is Nārāyaṇa. I am but a cowherd boy. How can you be My son?”

CC Ādi 2.35

brahmā balena, tumi ki nā hao nārāyaṇa
tumi nārāyaṇa — śuna tāhāra kāraṇa
Brahmā replied, “Are You not Nārāyaṇa? You are certainly Nārāyaṇa. Please listen as I state the proofs.

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