Thursday 12 August 2021

Deity Pastimes:20-Offense to the maha-prasadam

Offense to the maha-prasadam

Lord Jagannath is very popular here. He is known as a very powerful Deity amongst all the different villages in this area, even the Muslims sometimes worship Him. 

On snan-yatra they bring their offerings. We have a big feast on that day. So they all bring milk and eatables to offer to Lord Jagannath. One time on snan-yatra, this was about 15 years ago, two rikshaw drivers came. One rikshaw driver took some kitchari prasadam and he also took some for his friend, who was a Muslim and didn't want to come in. 

The rikshaw driver said to his Muslim friend, "I brought you some prasadam anyway", but his friend threw it on the ground and said, "We don't eat these things." 

The Muslim at that night in a dream saw: Lord Balaram was sitting on him, squashing him and beating him like anything, and the man was becoming very fearful. Subhadra was there too. She was laughing and She was saying, "Kill him, kill him!" Also Lord Jagannath was there and he said, "No, no, no don't kill him." And Lord Jagannath was laughing. The next day this Muslim came very humbly before the Deity and offered some worship for Lord Jagannath and also asked for some maha-prasadam kitchari. But there was nothing left. "There must be a little" he pleaded. So the pujari went and searched the pots and found a little bit, and he happily took that.

Jagannath swami ki Jai....

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