Thursday 17 May 2018

Srila Prabhupada Passtimes:52-"where I won't see anyone's face."

Although Prabhupada remained alone on a daily basis, his main service was to be the paramahamsa ghoshtyanandi, a pure devotee surrounded by many followers whom he trained in Krishna consciousness. His own spiritual master criticized Vaishnavas who go to a secluded place to gain a reputation as a great chanter of the holy names. But occasionally Prabhupada expressed an inclination for being alone in order to work at translating the scriptures. He became disturbed when many letters came in from devotees quarreling with one another. Sometimes a disciple would travel thousands of miles to come to Prabhupada just to criticize a Godbrother. 

This exasperated Prabhupada and sometimes interrupted his composition of purports. One time in Bombay, when there was a rash of letters from devotees complaining against one another, Prabhupada said that he would like to go somewhere "where I won't see anyone's face." That was a surprising statement, but I liked to hear it. And since I was supposed to be his secretary, I began to think of how to carry out his desire. At the same time, he received an invitation to take a European tour, and he immediately accepted it. 

Before the European invitation came, I had tried to suggest places to Prabhupada where he might be alone. But I couldn't think of a place that was secluded enough. I suggested Hawaii, but he said, "Even if I go there, the letters will come." So where was that place where he could go and not see anyone's face? I thought, "Wow, this is really something! How can I accommodate his desire?" But when the European invitation came, it changed all that. "Prabhupada," I said, "you said that you are going to go to Europe. But the other day you said you wanted to go somewhere where you wouldn't see anyone's face." Prabhupada laughed and said, "I don't think I can do that in this lifetime." 

Prabhupada liked to be with devotees. If he had wanted to be alone, he could have stayed in Vrindavana and never come to the West?and we would all be rotting in hell.
Reference: Prabhupada Meditations Vol II
Author: Satsvarupa Das Goswami

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