Monday 30 July 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-107

CC Ādi 3.53

śuna, bhāi, ei saba caitanya-mahimā
ei śloke kahe tāṅra mahimāra sīmā
My dear brothers, please hear all these glories of Lord Caitanya. This verse clearly summarizes His activities and characteristics.

CC Ādi 3.54

‘kṛṣṇa’ ei dui varṇa sadā yāṅra mukhe
athavā, kṛṣṇake tiṅho varṇe nija sukhe
The two syllables “kṛṣ-ṇa” are always in His mouth; or, He constantly describes Kṛṣṇa with great pleasure.

CC Ādi 3.55

kṛṣṇa-varṇa-śabdera artha dui ta pramāṇa
kṛṣṇa vinu tāṅra mukhe nāhi āise āna
These are two meanings of the word “kṛṣṇa-varṇa.” Indeed, nothing else but Kṛṣṇa issues from His mouth.

CC Ādi 3.56

keha tāṅre bale yadi kṛṣṇa-varaṇa
āra viśeṣaṇe tāra kare nivāraṇa
If someone tries to describe Him as being of blackish complexion, the next adjective [tviṣā akṛṣṇam] immediately restricts him.

CC Ādi 3.57

deha-kāntye haya teṅho akṛṣṇa-varaṇa
akṛṣṇa-varaṇe kahe pīta-varaṇa
His complexion is certainly not blackish. Indeed, His not being blackish indicates that His complexion is yellow.

CC Ādi 3.58

kalau yaṁ vidvāṁsaḥ sphuṭam abhiyajante dyuti-bharād
akṛṣṇāṅgaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ makha-vidhibhir utkīrtana-mayaiḥ
upāsyaṁ ca prāhur yam akhila-caturthāśrama-juṣāṁ
sa devaś caitanyākṛtir atitarāṁ naḥ kṛpayatu
“By performing the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the holy name, learned scholars in the Age of Kali worship Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is now nonblackish because of the great upsurge of the feelings of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī. He is the only worshipable Deity for the paramahaṁsas, who have attained the highest stage of the fourth order [sannyāsa]. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.”
This verse is Dvitīya Śrī Caitanyāṣṭaka 1, from the Stava-mālā of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.

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