Wednesday 18 July 2018

Daily Reading: Srimad Bhagavatam page-96

SB 1.4.21

tatrarg-veda-dharaḥ pailaḥ
 sāmago jaiminiḥ kaviḥ
vaiśampāyana evaiko
 niṣṇāto yajuṣām uta
After the Vedas were divided into four divisions, Paila Ṛṣi became the professor of the Ṛg Veda, Jaimini the professor of the Sāma Veda, and Vaiśampāyana alone became glorified by the Yajur Veda.
The different Vedas were entrusted to different learned scholars for development in various ways.

SB 1.4.22

atharvāṅgirasām āsīt
 sumantur dāruṇo muniḥ
 pitā me romaharṣaṇaḥ
The Sumantu Muni Aṅgirā, who was very devotedly engaged, was entrusted with the Atharva Veda. And my father, Romaharṣaṇa, was entrusted with the Purāṇas and historical records.
In the śruti-mantras also it is stated that Aṅgirā Muni, who strictly followed the rigid principles of the Atharva Veda, was the leader of the followers of the Atharva Veda.

SB 1.4.23

ta eta ṛṣayo vedaṁ
 svaṁ svaṁ vyasyann anekadhā
śiṣyaiḥ praśiṣyais tac-chiṣyair
 vedās te śākhino ’bhavan
All these learned scholars, in their turn, rendered their entrusted Vedas unto their many disciples, granddisciples and great-granddisciples, and thus the respective branches of the followers of the Vedas came into being.
The original source of knowledge is the Vedas. There are no branches of knowledge, either mundane or transcendental, which do not belong to the original text of the Vedas. They have simply been developed into different branches. They were originally rendered by great, respectable and learned professors. In other words, the Vedic knowledge, broken into different branches by different disciplic successions, has been distributed all over the world. No one, therefore, can claim independent knowledge beyond the Vedas.

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