Wednesday 1 August 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-109

CC Ādi 3.64

śrī-aṅga, śrī-mukha yei kare daraśana
tāra pāpa-kṣaya haya, pāya prema-dhana
Anyone who looks upon His beautiful body or beautiful face becomes freed from all sins and obtains the wealth of love of Godhead.

CC Ādi 3.65

anya avatāre saba sainya-śastra saṅge
caitanya-kṛṣṇera sainya aṅga-upāṅge
In other incarnations the Lord descended with armies and weapons, but in this incarnation His soldiers are His plenary parts and associates.

CC Ādi 3.66

sadopāsyaḥ śrīmān dhṛta-manuja-kāyaiḥ praṇayitāṁ
vahadbhir gīr-vāṇair giriśa-parameṣṭhi-prabhṛtibhiḥ
sva-bhaktebhyaḥ śuddhāṁ nija-bhajana-mudrām upadiśan
sa caitanyaḥ kiṁ me punar api dṛśor yāsyati padam
“Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu is always the most worshipable Deity of the demigods, including Lord Śiva and Lord Brahmā, who came in the garb of ordinary men, bearing love for Him. He instructs His own pure devotional service to His own devotees. Will He again be the object of my vision?”
This verse is Prathama Śrī Caitanyāṣṭaka 1, from the Stava-mālā of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.

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