Sunday 27 May 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-66

CC Ādi 2.53

virāḍ hiraṇya-garbhaś ca
kāraṇaṁ cety upādhayaḥ
īśasya yat tribhir hīnaṁ
turīyaṁ tat pracakṣate
“ ‘In the material world the Lord is designated as virāṭ, hiraṇyagarbha and kāraṇa. But beyond these three designations, the Lord is ultimately in the fourth dimension.’
Virāṭ (the phenomenal manifestation of the Supreme Whole), hiraṇyagarbha (the numinous soul of everything), and kāraṇa (the cause, or causal nature) are all but designations of the puruṣas, who are responsible for material creation. The transcendental position surpasses these designations and is therefore called the position of the fourth dimension. This is a quotation from Śrīdhara Svāmī’s commentary on the Eleventh Canto, fifteenth chapter, verse 16, of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

CC Ādi 2.54

yadyapi tinera māyā la-iyā vyavahāra
tathāpi tat-sparśa nāhi, sabhe māyā-pāra
“Although these three features of the Lord deal directly with the material energy, none of Them are touched by it. They are all beyond illusion.

CC Ādi 2.55

etad īśanam īśasya
prakṛti-stho ’pi tad-guṇaiḥ
na yujyate sadātma-sthair
yathā buddhis tad-āśrayā
“ ‘This is the opulence of the Lord: Although situated in the material nature, He is never affected by the modes of nature. Similarly, those who have surrendered to Him and fixed their intelligence upon Him are not influenced by the modes of nature.’
This text is from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (1.11.38). Those who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead do not identify with the material world, even while living in it. Pure devotees may deal with the three modes of material nature, but because of their transcendental intelligence in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, they are not influenced by the material qualities. The spell of material activities does not attract such devotees. Therefore, the Supreme Lord and His devotees acting under Him are always free from material contamination.

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