Sunday 27 May 2018

Deity Pastimes:10- Epidemic

Passtime of ISKCON's Lord Jagannath deity in Mayapur, as told by Pankajanghri Prabhu, our Head Pujari in Mayapur

Epidemic - Another time there was a very serious epidemic in this area, a lot of people were getting sick a some of them were dying. Lord Jagannath appeared in a dream to the pujari and He told him of a medicine that would cure this disease. So in the morning he called all the villagers and told them to gather the ingredients to make this medicine but one ingredient they couldn't find because it doesn't grow in this area. But later on in the day, a small boy came, carrying a branch and he gave to the pujari's wife and said, "I have brought this for your husband, but he is not here, so I am giving it to you." So when the pujari returned and saw that branch he became very excited and said, "Oh that's just what we want, this is the last herb we need to make this medicine! Who has brought this?" - "Oh, a very charming little boy brought it. I don't think he was from this village, for I had not seen him before." So they made that medicine and everybody became cured. From that day Lord Jagannath has earned great respect even from the non-Hindus.

Jagannath swami ki Jai

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