Sunday 22 July 2018

Daily Reading: Caitanya Caritamrita page-99

CC Ādi 3.31

sei siṁha vasuk jīvera hṛdaya-kandare
kalmaṣa-dvirada nāśe yāṅhāra huṅkāre
May that lion be seated in the core of the heart of every living being. Thus with His resounding roar may He drive away one’s elephantine vices.

CC Ādi 3.32

prathama līlāya tāṅra ‘viśvambhara’ nāma
bhakti-rase bharila, dharila bhūta-grāma
In His early pastimes He is known as Viśvambhara because He floods the world with the nectar of devotion and thus saves the living beings.

CC Ādi 3.33

ḍubhṛñ dhātura artha — poṣaṇa, dhāraṇa
puṣila, dharila prema diyā tri-bhuvana
The verbal root “ḍubhṛñ” [which is the root of the word “viśvambhara”] indicates nourishing and maintaining. He [Lord Caitanya] nourishes and maintains the three worlds by distributing love of God.

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