Sunday 22 July 2018

Daily Reading: Srimad Bhagavatam page-99

SB 1.4.26

evaṁ pravṛttasya sadā
 bhūtānāṁ śreyasi dvijāḥ
sarvātmakenāpi yadā
 nātuṣyad dhṛdayaṁ tataḥ
O twice-born brāhmaṇas, still his mind was not satisfied, although he engaged himself in working for the total welfare of all people.
Śrī Vyāsadeva was not satisfied with himself, although he had prepared literatures of Vedic value for the all-around welfare of the general mass of people. It was expected that he would be satisfied by all such activities, but ultimately he was not satisfied.

SB 1.4.27

 sarasvatyās taṭe śucau
vitarkayan vivikta-stha
 idaṁ covāca dharma-vit
Thus the sage, being dissatisfied at heart, at once began to reflect, because he knew the essence of religion, and he said within himself:
The sage began to search out the cause of not being satisfied at heart. Perfection is never attained until one is satisfied at heart. This satisfaction of heart has to be searched out beyond matter.

SB 1.4.28-29

dhṛta-vratena hi mayā
 chandāṁsi guravo ’gnayaḥ
mānitā nirvyalīkena
 gṛhītaṁ cānuśāsanam
 hy āmnāyārthaś ca pradarśitaḥ
dṛśyate yatra dharmādi
 strī-śūdrādibhir apy uta
I have, under strict disciplinary vows, unpretentiously worshiped the Vedas, the spiritual masters and the altar of sacrifice. I have also abided by the rulings and have shown the import of disciplic succession through the explanation of the Mahābhārata, by which even women, śūdras and others [friends of the twice-born] can see the path of religion.
No one can understand the import of the Vedas without having undergone a strict disciplinary vow and disciplic succession. The Vedas, spiritual masters and sacrificial fire must be worshiped by the desiring candidate. All these intricacies of Vedic knowledge are systematically presented in the Mahābhārata for the understanding of the woman class, the laborer class and the unqualified members of brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya or vaiśya families. In this age, the Mahābhārata is more essential than the original Vedas.

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