Thursday 12 August 2021

Deity Pastimes:20-Offense to the maha-prasadam

Offense to the maha-prasadam

Lord Jagannath is very popular here. He is known as a very powerful Deity amongst all the different villages in this area, even the Muslims sometimes worship Him. 

On snan-yatra they bring their offerings. We have a big feast on that day. So they all bring milk and eatables to offer to Lord Jagannath. One time on snan-yatra, this was about 15 years ago, two rikshaw drivers came. One rikshaw driver took some kitchari prasadam and he also took some for his friend, who was a Muslim and didn't want to come in. 

The rikshaw driver said to his Muslim friend, "I brought you some prasadam anyway", but his friend threw it on the ground and said, "We don't eat these things." 

The Muslim at that night in a dream saw: Lord Balaram was sitting on him, squashing him and beating him like anything, and the man was becoming very fearful. Subhadra was there too. She was laughing and She was saying, "Kill him, kill him!" Also Lord Jagannath was there and he said, "No, no, no don't kill him." And Lord Jagannath was laughing. The next day this Muslim came very humbly before the Deity and offered some worship for Lord Jagannath and also asked for some maha-prasadam kitchari. But there was nothing left. "There must be a little" he pleaded. So the pujari went and searched the pots and found a little bit, and he happily took that.

Jagannath swami ki Jai....

Deity Pastimes:15- Don't go to jagannath puri

Why go to Puri? 

Once a pilgrim traveling from the north fell asleep on the train. He was on his way to Purusottam Ksetra Puri to take darshan of Lord Jagannath. In his dream the Lord spoke and told him, "My dear devotee, there is no need for you to go all the way to Puri for I am residing very near by here. Just get off at the next station and walk towards the north-west, there you will find a temple where you can have my darshan to your full satisfaction. 

The next station was Bhadurpur, so excitedly he got down and started to walk in this direction, and taking help from the local people he soon found his way here and happily worshipped these wonderful forms of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra.

Jagannath swami ki Jai....

Friday 25 January 2019

Srila Prabhupada Vani # 494

#494-Srila Prabhupada explains-Only by mercy of Guru and Krishna one received devotional service-in his lecture-NOD 13 VRN 1972-11-10 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga

Click the link below to listen to full audio.....

Srila Prabhupada Pastimes:68-Defeat scientists and philosophers

Bhargava: Another time we were walking in Paris, when Prabhupada turned to the devotees and said with a serious tone, "I want you to all become Krishna conscious philosophers and to defeat the rascal philosophers and scientists."

A week or so later I was in Prabhupada's Bury Place room with Prabhupada and Kulashekar, a nice, outgoing devotee. His parents, quiet country people, had come to see Prabhupada. Kulashekar had been taking 8mm films of Prabhupada, and he was going to show Prabhupada the films. He went to get his parents so they could watch also. When he went out, I looked at Prabhupada and said, "Prabhupada, these materialistic scientists and philosophers are so strongly entrenched. How will we ever change them?" I don't know how I got the nerve to ask a question like that. Prabhupada looked at me and said, "Whether they change, whether they do not change, still I will go on with my propaganda work." You could almost feel the earth shake when he said that. It was that powerful. His determination was incredible.
Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 2
Author: Siddhanta Dasa

Thursday 24 January 2019

Srila Prabhupada Vani # 493

Srila Prabhupada explains -Every house should be krishna conscious-Īn his lecture-CDM-031-2

Click the link below to listen to full audio

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Srila Prabhupada pastimes: 67- Who is crying

A Heart Touching Pastime Of Srila Prabhupada Ji.

Sripada Hrdayananda Babaji Maharaja was born in Radha Kunda and has been a pujari for 78 years. He lives next to the Radha Damodara Temple.
At the beginning of the interview, upon being asked if he knew Srila Prabhupada, Babaji Maharaja began to cry, "Never have I seen anyone do sadhana as he did.
I have lived all my life in Vraja and I have never seen anyone like him.
Prabhupada did many arduous things, he worked very hard there at the Radha Damodara Temple. At that time it was austere, undeveloped, and very muddy and dirty with no facilities.”

"Many years later, when I heard that it was actually he who had been chosen by Caitanya Mahaprabhu to spread the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra around the world, I was not surprised.”
Prabhupada spread this Krishna consciousness by the mercy of Rupa Goswami. Prabhupada used to pray to Rupa Goswami, "You please give me your mercy." And then he got that mercy. I know this because I saw some things he did at the Radha Damodara Temple. My room is still located in the same place as it was then, in 1964 or '65.
Many times in the middle of the night, at midnight or 1 or 2 in the morning, I would hear a voice crying from inside the courtyard by Rupa Goswami's samadhi mandira.
 That voice was calling out and crying but I did not know what it was because I was trying to take rest.
But one night, on the full moon, I heard that voice again, so I climbed up to the roof of our house and looked down into the Radha Damodara courtyard.
 I saw something very amazing. Srila Prabhupada was sweeping the courtyard of Rupa Goswami’s samadhi. He was bending down with a small broom and as he swept the ground by the samadhi, he was crying out, "He Rupa! He Sanatana! He Gurudeva! Please give me your mercy. Without your mercy, I cannot do anything.
Give me the mercy.
Give me the strength that I may fulfill your orders." Then, I realized that it was he who almost every night was calling out as he was sweeping like this."


Srila Prabhupada vani #491

#491- Srila Prabhupada explains-Hear about God from God- in his lecture-CDM-031-2

To listen to the full audio, please click the link below

Friday 14 December 2018

Srila Prabhupada Vani # 490

#490-Srila Prabhupada explains-unless krishna gives protection there is no protection-in his lecture -CDM-030-2

Please click the link below to listen to the full audio

Monday 10 December 2018

Srila Prabhupada Pastimes:66-Bhargava Dasa distrub's Srila Prabhupada

Bhargava: In South Africa I agitated Prabhupada by taking photographs during his lecture. When Prabhupada spoke he used wonderful, expressive hand mudras, and I was photographing those mudras. He only used them when he spoke, so that was my only opportunity to capture them. But I distracted him, and he would get irritated with me. He said I broke his train of thought.

Unfortunately, I was impulsive and I did it repeatedly. When Prabhupada was in South Africa, the first editions of the Fourth and Fifth Cantos of the Srimad-Bhagavatams arrived. Prabhupada was very pleased. It was beautiful to watch him open the books and delicately handle them. The Bhagavatam was Krishna for Prabhupada. The Bhagavatams weren't his books. He had such respect for them. It was like he was dealing with a Deity. That impressed me. I was snapping away taking pictures because it was like Christmas morning for a kid when Prabhupada got new editions of his books. I snapped one time too many, and Prabhupada snapped. He got on my case, and I sat down next to him and said, "Prabhupada, I am such a fool." He said, "If you are fool, then go away, that is my order." I was so emotionally attached to Prabhupada, that I took his words heavily. I walked out of the room.
Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 2
Author: Siddhanta Dasa